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Dudley Group insights for prospecting on B2Brain

Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust is prospected by companies that are selling Website management, Employee onboarding, Finance, Fintech, Data analytics, Customer engagement, Healthcare and other solutions. These are a few quick insights about Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust that you might find valuable in your outreach.

Dudley Group NHS FT sees benefits of new patient portal

(source: https://www.digitalhealth.net/2023/07/dudley-group-nhs-ft-sees-benefits-of-new-patient-portal/)

Intel type: Media, News & PR

Date: 17 July 2023

The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust has launched the Healthcare Communications’ Patient Portal and as a result has seen a reduction in Did Not Attends (DNA) and cost savings by reducing paper letters.

The solution has been deployed across 148 outpatient departments in a bid to revolutionise patient engagement, experience and to meet national targets to reduce waiting list backlogs.

The implementation process started in March this year, and the trust is anticipating it will see significant costs on its former printing efforts alone, including cost savings of at least £10,000 and time savings of 780 hours a year.

In the four months since implementation, the trust has avoided 7,329 missed appointments, and reduced the DNA rate by 5%. This has allowed it to make progress in working efficiently through its backlog of patients on the waiting list.

Neill Crump, digital strategy director at The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust, said: “With the rollout of the patient portal, we’re already seeing improved engagement and participation, as well as countless benefits relating to ease of use for staff, time saved and reduced DNAs.”

This insight is useful for your prospecting if your business deals with: Healthcare, Insurance, Website development, Employee onboarding, Patient engagement services

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Dudley hospital broke single-sex ward rule over 150 times

(source: https://www.stourbridgenews.co.uk/news/23559751.dudley-hospital-broke-single-sex-ward-rule-150-times/)

Intel type: Media, News & PR

Date: 01 June2023

NHS England data shows a rule preventing different sexes from mixing on wards at the Dudley Trust was broken 162 times in the six months to March – up from 108 in the same period the year before.

In the six months to March 2019 before the pandemic, there were just 48 breaches.

Recording breaches was suspended due to the pandemic from March 2020 to September 2021 but it has since been re-introduced.

At The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust, the single-sex ward rule was broken 24 times in March.

Given an estimated number of finished consultant episodes of 9,715 in the month, it meant the trust had a breach rate of approximately 2.5 per 1,000 treatments – up from 0.6 per 1,000 in March 2019.

An NHS spokesperson said: “Offering single-sex accommodation is a requirement under the NHS Standard Contract.

“Trusts across the country are taking action to reduce or eliminate unjustified breaches, which remain rare.”

This insight is useful for your prospecting if your business deals with: Healthcare, Insurance, Security, Regulatory compliance, Patient engagement services

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New hybrid operating theatre set to boost health outcomes in the Midlands

(source: https://www.nationalhealthexecutive.com/articles/new-hybrid-operating-theatre-set-boost-health-outcomes-midlands)

Intel type: Media, News & PR

Date: 16 Feb 2023

Patients in the Black Country are set to benefit from a cutting-edge robotic hybrid theatre, The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust has announced.

The £1m estate is the first of its kind in the region and boasts the capabilities of an operating theatre as well as enabling clinicians to perform routine surgical procedures, and catheter-based interventions and open surgery under a single anaesthetic.

As well as these benefits, the hybrid theatre now enables health professionals at The Dudley Group to treat patients with just one solution rather than having them return for repeat interventions. The trust also say it now has the capacity to circumvent some open procedures by using anti-vascular techniques.

The trust’s Deputy Chief of Surgery, Atiq-ur Rehman, said: “The robotic hybrid operating theatre will provide a better experience and best quality service for our patients, and a safer, more streamlined pathway for their treatment.

“It will also enable vascular specialists to carry out less invasive surgery which would traditionally have required a much bigger open operation. Thanks to the state-of-the-art facility, this will improve patients’ outcomes and reduce their length of stay in the hospital.”

The trust also highlights the fact that the theatre will allow for surgeries to be much more accurate thanks to the enhanced image capabilities. The Dudley Group expect to welcome the theatre’s first patients this month, with staff training now underway following the project’s completion.

This insight is useful for your prospecting if your business deals with: Healthcare, Insurance, Security, Regulatory compliance, Patient engagement services

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